Monday 10 July 2023

JACQUES COMMENTARY v1 : Testimony of JJ VAN ZYL 10/7/2023


The Seven Mountains of Influence

(A Sevenfold Daily Prayer Focus for South Africa )

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Date: Monday, 10 July 2023 

Re: Jacque's Commentry @ Testimony as an Adult with ADHD aka medical field Brain Function or the technical name is “Neuro-diversity. ”Commentry on 1 Cor. 6v9 & Mark 7:23. 


Fijnbos Internship for Evangelist Program: Basic Entry Level 

Hi, everyone I am well thanks. 

How are you doing... 

I hope  that my testimony will make life bearable that will allow you receiving (the Crown of Life) firstly, for an adult with a NEURODIVERSE brain functioning on a different level than "the normal" man, woman or child. We are either on the high-end or else on the low-end of the spectrum or at least a sibling or family member living with us, or Friend or foe dealing with us in society. 

Secondly, from a Biblical testimony perspective birthed from the PROMISE in Rev. 19:10 for the empowered Body of Christ C. f Acts 1:8 -  I was taught by the Holy Spirit having the Testimony of Jesus' the Christ is the "key" to receive 'the Crown of Overcoming (Glory) one of the Seven Crowns for Christians to be able to Evangelizing families in the onset of my Godly instruction on 06 April 2002;  the second-time, the author, heard, the audible voice of Guidance as if the Guiding Angel of the Lord of hosts were standing next to me in the room giving me, my testimony. Which was formed until 30 June 2009. And as Zachariah 3:1-6 clarifies the Crowns of Seperation and Righteousness. 

The second 7-years dating from 30 June 2009 until 06 April 2016 I was "taught" 

Thirdly, that he Religious Spirit is the false holy spirit manifesting in the RSA Church Market and it's 11 Nations, tribes and diverse cultures rooting from (tradition of men) upheld by men, woman and children by way of 'thought-pattern' the good, the bad and the ugly are birthed C.f Mark 7:20-23. 

The spirit of Religion are against the process of receiving your Testimony "My god does not work like that" the written Word declares: obedience to the voice of the Guiding Angel it breed the Incorruptible Crown!

The third, and last 7-years I was "taught" he 7-Mountains of Prayer that will birth a Heavenly recognized revival for South Africa. 

A Godly birthed Testimony written through 3 seasons of 'willing' obedience to, the Guiding Angel of the Lord,  the Holy Spirit that lasted 7-years each=21-years. 

All 11-nations, tribes and diverse (cultures) traditions of me. Who's hearts also suffer deep darkness are trapped in a sinful nature fully explained from 1Cor.6:9.

1The Seven Mountains of Influence
(A Sevenfold Daily Prayer Focus for South Africa )

What Are the Seven Mountains of Influence
That Need Our Daily Prayers?

Background - How God works:

The centric message is that God's strategy to "change" was 'done' in mid-70's and again in 2023

In the mid-1970s God drew two visionary leaders together for a luncheon meeting in Colorado. 

Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With A Mission were those men. As they came together each felt the Lord was revealing an important strategy necessary for impacting nations and
cultures in such a manner as to initiate true transformation of a society.

Little did they know they both had received the same insights.

Indeed, a few weeks later in Switzerland, theologian Francis Schaeffer was to receive the identical revelation. 

The message was simple but

To impact all of a culture, people, or nation with the totality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, every major sphere of influence had to be impacted. 

More specifically, this involved seven clearly defined spheres, or as some have come to define them, the Seven Mountains of Influence. 

Reader, you will thus notice that each daily focus in the FIEP BEL guide includes a brief list of these seven major areas (or mountains) of influence in OUR local 11natikns, tribes, and cultures forming their own Religion societies, defined from Mark 7:20-23.

 In fact, the first seven days of each month’s focus in the FIEP BEL guide begin with one of these specific “mountains” as your primaryp rayer focus for that day, even though it is suggested you pray for all seven during each prayer watch.

We list all seven daily because each time you are “watching” on the “Wall” there are needs to be prayed for regarding all of THESE spheres. You may not pray in detail for all seven every day, but YOU can ask the Holy Spirit to help you concentrate on any specific SPHERE for a given day. Of course, there are numerous sub-categories that come under these spheres, and as God reveals them to you in prayer write them down in the space provided for your personal insights each day. 

2VISION 2024

The seven spheres include:

1. Religion 

(The Church, Ministries, and Other Faiths) 

Pray for the Holy Spirit’s anointing on all churches no matter their denomination.

Pray for ministries involved in evangelism and discipleship including foreign missionary activity. Pray for all faiths and religions that they will see the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pray that Christians will be bold in their witness.

2. Family and Marriages 

(Youth, Children, Marriages, etc.)

Pray for families in general, and particularly the healing of broken
relationships in marriages and families, especially among believers
and those in Christian ministry. Pray for the sanctity of marriage.
Pray against cultural influences that diminish the value of marriage
and family.

3. Education

 (All Schools, Universities, Colleges, and Educators)

This focus involves all institutions of education, whether for the very
young, when children are so easily influenced, or those studying at
higher levels. 

Pray for teachers and educators. Pray for those you know by name. Add them to your daily prayer lists for each day. Pray also for the content of textbooks so they will reflect biblical values.

Ask God to send a revival to all campuses.

4. Business

 (The Marketplace)

This focus involves praying for a spiritual awakening in the marketplace.

Pray espec ially for Christian businessmen and women that God
will use them to influence others in their professions. Pray for major
corporations that they will build their companies on a foundation of
high moral and ethical standards.

5. Government (Local, National, and International)

Pray for heads of your local, state (or province), and national government. Remember especially to intercede for the judiciary (judges) ofy our nation and the nations of the world. Intercede for other all other 10 nations in South Africa other than your race - all Politicians for past 29-years say we are one nation we are:

The major ethnic parts of the group are the Afrikaner,  English, Zulu, Xhosa, Bapedi (North Sotho), Batswana, South Ndebele, Basotho (South Sotho), Venda, Tsonga and Swazi, all of which predominantly speak Southern Bantu languages.

listed for each day as they appear in this guide. Include the military of
these nations and law enforcement as well as other service officials, such a firefighters and civil servants.

6. Media (The Press, Television, Internet, and Social

Ask God to cause all aspects of the media and information technology
to become a tool in His hands to change the culture around us for
His honor and glory. Pray that the influence of the Internet and social
networking will be used by Christians to capture a new generation of
young believers. Pray that Christian values and ethics will find their
way into all aspects of the media.

7. Arts and Entertainment (Including Sports)

This focus includes all those in any field of the arts or entertainment
including sports. 

Some have defined this sphere as the “Celebration” sphere because it takes many such aspects into consideration. 

Ask God to use the influence of those who know Him in these arenas so
they might impact many around them. 

Pray for entertainers or athletes
you know by name who have a strong Christian testimony. Ask God to expand their influence.



I also grew-up as a generation "X" 

I am, Jacques Juan van Zyl; adult male (44) divorced since 2019 and senior Pastor at  Fijnbos Bedieninge NPC and Founder of the Nasional CALL to South Africa's Prayer Wall.

My testimony started on 31 December 2000 - 1 Sam. 3 it was the first time I hear the audible voice of God calling me by Name as if He was in the Room; on 24 January the same year I turned (21) I recall saying, now I'm an adult "nobody" will tell me what to do - this was rebellion 

Reader, have you ever asked but WHAT ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEURODIVERSE  PEOPLE? 

We, are human beings like you... Just asking! 

But What is “Neurodiversity”? 

Just because you deny it's existence does not mean we on the spectrum are "demonised; per people's opinions. 

“Neurodiversity” is a word used to explain the unique ways people's brains work. While everyone's brain develops similarly, no two brains function just alike. 

Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from the average or “neurotypical” person.

My testimony speaks of Acts 1:8 "Wisdom & Prudence" birthed by the Holy Spirit whom empowered Jacques Van Zyl whom started on 1 July 2023 the New Season started... Acts 20:28 a promise was fulfilled. 



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